Friday, December 18, 2015

Self-Discovery Challenge: Summary of Day 1

I just completed the first day of my thirty day commitment to exploring my identity and growing my self-confidence.

It was a great day. I got coffee with a friend whom I haven't seen in over a year. She is transforming her life, starting a new job in Washington DC. I am proud of her, and so incredibly inspired. After talking with her, I felt like I could create a better life for myself. I felt like I too could bring exciting changes into my existence, and have new things to look forward to.

My positive affirmation for the day was "I am superior to negative thoughts and low actions".  I repeated it to myself throughout the day, including several times in front of a mirror (which just seems like the thing to do, you know? But I felt incredibly silly doing it, nonetheless. Never mind the fact that I talk to myself all the time already anyway). I did have a few pessimistic thoughts today, and when they jumped into my head, I pushed them out with that mantra.

I also journaled on the following question:

Are you a better person today than you were last year at this same time? Or 10 years ago?

Excerpts from my journaling? 

"In a moral sense, I am a better person than I was a year ago. I am less deceptive, less jealous of others...."

"I am emotionally healthier than I was a year ago in that I am less anxious, overall less depressed..."

"I about as insecure and indecisive as I was a year ago, but I am now aware of it!"

"I am more of an adult now than I was a year ago. I make my own money, and I have genuine expenses now,  like high rent, student loans, and a health insurance premium." 

"I prayed in September of 2014 for God to draw me out of this desert of distraction and indecision. I expected it to be an instant transformation, and it wasn't. But I am making progress, and though the road before me is long, I can look back and appreciate how far I've come." 

I actually had no idea how much I better I am doing now then I was a year ago until I answered that question. 

I am so happy and grateful. 

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